Addiction is a subject that leaves families feeling powerless. Parents, spouses and children look on in awe while their beloved ones seemingly self-destruct. Many times our Treatment Specialists receive calls from parents in desperate need spouses, grandparents, husbands, or wives who are calling for their loved ones who are addicted. Many times they ask our Treatment Specialists with the question “How do I convince him to seek help?” It’s an understandable scenario. In a perfect world family members would be able to talk to the addict in their lives – and they would be willing to seek treatment. In this ideal scenario the person who is addicted would be thankful for the suggestion and would immediately enroll in an addiction treatment program. However, if you’ve been through addiction, you’ll know that this isn’t always the case. Most likely, there will be denials, arguments or lying, and excuses. If you’ve come to the point of no return Is there a way to get a loved one to seek treatment?
Legally Requiring Rehab
In certain states, family members can legally force addicted relatives into an involuntary rehab program. Certain states have passed these laws due to tragic deaths resulting from the addiction process and drug overdose. One of the most well-known forced rehabilitation laws is found in Kentucky: Casey’s Law allows family members to voluntarily commit their loved ones to addiction. The law was enacted after the death of a young man from an overdose of heroin – and his mother advocated for actions and assistance to other families. This kind of law is being promoted in states such as Pennsylvania that, until the present, had only permitted involuntary commitment of people suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs only when they have been diagnosed as being mentally sick. The new legislation proposed by Pennsylvania will allow a spouse, family member or guardian to present an application for involuntary commitment to the county administrator for an assessment. The addicted loved one will be taken to a medical facility for an examination by a doctor who will decide if and for how long the individual will receive treatment.
Pros vs. Pros Of Involuntary Rehabilitation
We offer treatment to people from all kind of situation. We have clients who are physically engaged, emotionally and mentally and are ready to make an overhaul. We have clients who are referred to us on the basis of court orders or child custody issues. We also have treated patients who came to us due to mandates such as Casey’s Law. We believe that anytime an individual is able to enter an accredited rehabilitation facility and receive treatment for addiction it’s beneficial regardless of how they arrived at the facility. There is a pros and cons to forced rehabilitation.
Pros Of Forced Rehab
In states where it’s possible to ask the court to order addiction treatment for a loved one you must prove that the person could possibly cause harm to yourself or anyone else. It might be obvious for you to know that the person who is your family member may be hurting himself due to losing a job or by not attending family gatherings. But, the proof typically requires an even greater degree. Consider if your loved one is so addicted to heroin that they are unable to seek medical attention for any other health issues. In these kinds of situations it is possible to make the decision to go through rehabilitation. The most significant benefit of involuntary rehabilitation is that it can help save the life of your loved one. If treatment and intervention are not provided, your loved one may be a victim of a fatal outcome like a car crash intoxicated, and even an accidental overdose. The fact that treatment is authorized by the courts doesn’t mean that it isn’t effective. Research has revealed that even when treatment is ordered by a court the majority of people continue their rehabilitation and begin long-term recovery. The court-ordered treatment remains treatment and the chance to change and heal.
The Cons of Forced Rehabilitation
Many times, families feel that the only way someone they love will be admitted to an addiction treatment program is through the force of. Families witness their loved ones crumbling before their eyes – and they are left feeling in a state of helplessness. One of the hopes is that an involuntary rehabilitation program could help break him or her free from the vicious cycle of devastation. But, forced rehabilitation isn’t the ideal solution for certain people. It’s true that addiction isn’t just about enjoyment. Although some families might believe that their loved ones who are addicted are doing drugs or drinking just because they like it – this isn’t the case. In reality, when a person is dependent, all fun has lost. When someone is addicted, alcohol or drugs become the sole source of security and comfort for someone; they don’t provide pleasure or joy. When you force a loved one to go through rehab, the person might become angry that you have taken away their safety or security. They may not be able to realize that your choice is based upon love – and instead, feel rejected by your actions. There is a fine line to cross or an uneasy balance to discover within the relationship. Alongside these emotions research has proven that rehabilitation is more effective when someone is motivated and willing – instead of being forced to make a change. If a person is forced to undergo treatment and is not motivated, chances of success are inherently less than someone who is driven.
If you’re considering forced rehabilitation
The greatest chance of successful recovery is through the help of addiction specialists who use effective treatments that are based on medical evidence and techniques. If you are a parent or loved person who is suffering from addiction to alcohol or drugs is essential to take every step you can to do to help them and convince them that they require help. Engaging with a specialist in treatment or professional interventionist will assist you with your efforts. We recognize that not all rehab situations is 100% voluntary. If you feel that you’ve exhausted all other options, forcing rehabilitation shouldn’t be considered lightly. It is important to consider both the advantages and disadvantages to decide which option is best for your family and yourself.